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[spf-discuss] Re: TLDs

2007-03-26 14:22:26
Julian Mehnle wrote:

Fine, we're making progress, so you consider PermError as bad idea.
That leaves "ignore single labels" or "try to match as always".
The difference is, I am _interpreting_ the spec, whereas you are proposing
to _change_ it (by specifying things that weren't previously specified).

My wish to decide this issue is based on an interpretation of the
spec.:  IMO the spec. tries hard to get predictable deterministic
results as far as using DNS allows this.

Under this interpretation a situation where implementation X says
PASS and implementation Y says FAIL for the same input (and no DNS 
problems) is highly undesirable.  It's against the spirit of the

Clearly there are corner cases where we don't care:  If somebody
wants 2000 leading zeros in a place where that's not forbidden -
tough, don't do that, it's an obviously stupid idea.

But a:%{h} and similar cases are not obviously stupid, or rather
not as bad as those leading zeros.


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