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[spf-discuss] Re: TLDs

2007-03-28 08:48:09
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
Permerror on invalid domain after macro expansion was added by
Mark Shewmaker as the 2nd revision.

I think I finally recall that this was triggered by a thread on
the devel list about "domain" foo..bar.  What's the test suite
doing at the moment with a direct "a:foo..bar" (no macro) ?

And _why_ is it doing whatever it does ? <g> 

I thought we had rejected that notion.  It would make %{h}
useless because all the bogus HELOs would cause permerrors.

If folks would simply reject PERMERROR it's fine.  But if they
don't reject PERMERROR ignoring a macro-expanded <target-name>
foo..bar and moving on to the next mechanism(s) could be better,
if they at least reject FAIL (triggered by a later directive).


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