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[spf-discuss] Re: An argument for *not* matching museum.

2007-03-27 11:53:30
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

by the principle of least surprise, "a:%{h}" where h="museum."
or h="museum" (or anything else that would give a syntax error
if syntax was checked after expansion) should not match.

It's an idea.  I've changed "isn't allowed" to "should not match"
in the "<target-name> is a TLD" section.

If we had it to do over again, we would even throw permerror
(it would have been so simple to say "expand macros before
checking syntax"), but we can't for reasons that have already
been discussed.

Do you think the "permerror on invalid domain" issue should be
deleted ?  I think it's related to the case where <target-name>
contains adjacent dots.  Maybe the two wannabe-errata could be

| If the <target-name> after macro exapnsion is a single label
| (e.g. a top level domain ) with or without trailing dot, or
| an invalid domain (e.g. strings with adjecent dots), then the
| corresponding mechanism does not match.


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