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RE: [spf-discuss] Re: TENBOX/E as an AUTH type

2007-04-10 18:22:26
Michael Deutschmann wrote on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 7:45 PM -0500:

On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
5xx is not the problem.  DSNs after a 2xx are the problem.

But not for the forwarder.  (Unless he uses SRS, and this is why he
doesn't want to.)

If the recipient decides to bounce forwarded mail post-
transactionally, it's the recipient's IP reputation that gets

While it's true that ultimate responsibility rests with the system that
generates a delayed bounce to a forged address, it's also true that
there is no method today, short of tricks such as SES, to determine the
validity of return-paths on forwarded mail.  Thus it is completely
rational to blame the forwarder who handed you the forgery.  Every
system is responsible for what they emit.

Seth Goodman

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