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Re: [spf-discuss] Revising FAIL

2008-01-05 06:18:09
Michael Deutschmann <michael(_at_)talamasca(_dot_)ocis(_dot_)net> writes:

I think this is folly.  It's a chicken game, with four states:

1A - forwarders use SRS, recipients do not enforce SPF
1B - forwarders use SRS, recipients enforce SPF
2A - forwarders operate traditionally, recipients do not enforce SPF
2B - forwarders operate traditionally, recipients enforce SPF

3 - forwarders use their own address in the RFC2821 Mail From.

If A sends a mail to B and B forwards it to C, it is B not A who is
sending the mail to C. Once B (or rather a server referenced in B's MX
records) has accepted the mail during the SMTP session, B has also
accepted responsibility to deliver the mail[1]. So any delivery problems
between B & C should be reported to (and resolved by) B not A.

[1] And if C further forwards it to D, then C takes over responsibility
to deliver it. 

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