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[spf-discuss] Re: Revising FAIL

2008-01-10 22:07:03
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
Ultimately, some bozo will file suit when their identity is stolen
because they responded to an SPF FAIL message from their bank.

The courts will decide for whoever has the most money for lawyers 
(hopefully the bank in this case), but we can certainly discuss
what the decision *ought* to be.

The bank would feel more comfortable with "standards track" than
"experimental" in this case, assuming that the careless receiver
pulls that as excuse, and the court is willing to accept it.  

Technically the difference is zilch, nobody is forced to check SPF,
to publish FAIL, or to reject FAIL, no matter what the status of
the RFC is, but when lawyers enter the picture it can get weird.


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