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Re: [spf-discuss] Statement of Problems and Requirements (Last Call)

2008-02-09 05:16:31
David MacQuigg wrote:
Recipient. Problem P - Recipients have difficulty keeping track of and
updating their forwarding arrangements. Maybe Ale can provide a good
example here.

The best example I have thus far is the one I wrote last 1st feb:

A former employee wants to delete a forwarding recipe that has been manually configured years ago, when she left, as a favor to her. Does she have to get in touch with her former boss? What if she doesn't want him to know her current email address?

Notice that the former employee probably has no access to her old company's mail management web form, if any exist, because she is no longer an employee. I think that example illustrates well why the privacy requirement is reasonable: the company should allow the relevant data subjects to remotely manage their forwarding recipes.

I added definitions for some of the above terms in http://www.openspf.org/Community/Glossary

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