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Re: [spf-discuss] Statement of Problems and Requirements (Last Call)

2008-02-09 11:42:56
At 11:59 PM 2/6/2008 -0500, Scott K wrote:

Are we calling forwarders, forwarders yet or are you still changing existing 

I put the following at the top of the page at 
The terminology proposed here differs from 
usage in that we are making a distinction between "Forwarding" and other kinds 
of relaying.  Here a "Forwarder" is an Agent working on the Recipient's side of 
the Border.  Agents on the Sender's side may be called "Transmitters", or just 
Sender's relays.

See <http://open-mail.org/Forwarding.html>Forwarding for more discussion of 
typical problems in Mail Handling Systems.
See <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-crocker-email-arch-09>Internet Mail 
Architecture and this <http://openspf.org/Community/Glossary>glossary for more 
general terminology. 

We should also make it clear in any discussion with someone outside the SPF 
community, that we are using the term "forwarding" in a more limited way than 
they might understand.  This will avoid problems when we say things like "all 
forwarders should re-write the Return Address", and they think we are talking 
about a Transmitter.

-- Dave

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