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Re: [spf-discuss] Top problems with SPF acceptance

2008-02-26 08:02:20
On Tuesday 26 February 2008 07:57, ram wrote:
I think the oft repeated "SPF-breaks-forwarding" and
"Use-SRS-when-frowarding" is the still top problems for SPF acceptance.

The next big hurdle is when ISP's block smtp access to corporate
mailservers and force the corporates to include a plethora of IP into
their SPF

Use the submission port, port 587.  That's virtually never blocked.

Regarding the first problem
I am using Postfix and cyrus on my mailserver and use sieve rules for
forwarding. Frustratingly even though SRS has been around for ages now
there is not a single implementation of SRS for my setup. I remember
trying some smtp milter but that never worked

Postfix still (unless it's in 2.5, I haven't looked) lacks a way for external 
programs to rewrite mail from so you'd need to do it with a transparent 
filter.  There's been some disucssion about this being a good feature to have 
(for more than just SRS) on postfix-users, but someone either needs to 
provide a patch or convince the postfix developers it's important enough to 
do themselves (SRS along won't be enough)

When I tell customers to use SPF to prevent forged spams from their
ids , they simply give the forwarding excuse not to use SPF

For many domains forwarding is a detail.  I've had approximately a handful of 
forwarding related problems in the nearly 4 years I've had a -all SPF record.  

How do you guys handle the situation

I tend to tell them this may happen, but in the scheme of email delivery 
problems it's a noise level issue for most domains.

Scott K

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