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Re: [spf-discuss] Top problems with SPF acceptance

2008-03-02 13:05:39
On Sunday 02 March 2008 14:40, Don Lee wrote:
RFC 4405 (SUBMITTER) seems to me a good, workable idea that when combined
with SPF, could go a long way toward solving "the forwarding problem".

Is this getting any traction, and if not, why not?


1.  Proposed by Microsoft to solve problems with SenderID.  Tied irretrevably 
to their Sender ID PRA patents.

2.  Replaces an SPF check of Mail From with a new arbitrary identity that can 
only be verified by accepting the body of the message.  

If you like Submitter, just do Sender ID.  It'll do a good job of ensuring no 
one abuses your domain name in resent-sender.

Scott K

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