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[spf-discuss] Re: RFC lawyering

2008-03-05 12:16:13
Michael Deutschmann wrote:
The v0.0 draft of SWK-SPF is already in xml2rfc format.

Great, from that point to an Internet Draft is easy, you
can submit it at

"We" (for some value of "TINW") wold also want it in the 
collection of drafts related to SPF on OpenSPF.org below

After my OS/2 box died I have not yet reinstalled SVN,
and forgot the password, that is why "spf-options-02" is
not in the OpenSPF.org repository.

Also missing is Phil's historical "accreditation" draft,
he posted it once on an ASRG list, but it never made it
behind the then still manual IETF submission procedure
due to some non-ASCII gibberish in his draft:

My "copy" is a kind of unauthorized fix, therefore I have
never uploaded it to OpenSPF.org.  If you want your draft
on OpenSPF.org you can ask say Julian for an SVN password,
or anybody with SVN and password can do it.  Of course 
that is not "required" or part of any "RFC lawyering", it
is only a collection of drafts on the OpenSPF.org server.

Internet Draft would be better for "marketing" purposes,
the I-D repository is more popular than the OpenSPF.org
repository.  OTOH the silence is more resounding for I-Ds,
e.g., the only feedback I ever got for the "spf-options"
was here on this list.  But you'd get all IETF tools for
Internet Drafts like decent diffs for free, without any
"RFC lawyering" (until you seriously want an RFC number).

ITYM ftp://ftp.ocis.net/pub/users/ldeutsch/beta/swkspf-0.0.txt
 and ftp://ftp.ocis.net/pub/users/ldeutsch/beta/swkspf-0.0.xml


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