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[spf-discuss] RFC lawyering (was: Top problems with SPF acceptance)

2008-03-04 21:24:48
Michael Deutschmann wrote:

SWK-SPF is unlikely to "hit IETF servers in the form of an 
Internet Draft", since I'm allergic to RFC lawyering and
ignorant of the procedures involved.

For me it was exactly the opposite with SPF, SRS, SES, etc.:

I'm allergic to moving targets and obscure PDFs.  And after
the MARID disaster some folks here (including me) got over 
their procedural ignorance as fast as possible, we'd now all
chew on PRA otherwise, with SPF as a historical anecdote in
an appendix of the SenderID RFCs.

You can use the xml2rfc format to produce "private" drafts,
without submitting them as Internet Draft, that's what I did
for draft-spf-options-04 up to -10 for some years.  Changing
two characters to get "real" Internet Drafts later, there is
no "RFC lawyering" involved as long as you stick to drafts.

One funny example is the guy posting Internet Drafts based
on his theory that bits can count to three ("", "0", "1"):

He'd get into a minimal amount of "RFC lawyering" if he tries
to find an area director and/or shepherd willing to "sponsor"
one of his drafts as RFC, boiling down to a "no" - if he then
appeals that decision he'd get a bit more "lawyering" still
resulting in "no", no harm done, redefining bits to be "tits"
is just a bad idea.

If folks like your drafts, and ideally somebody is willing to
do the "shepherd" job, it is a *relatively* simple procedure,
don't worry about it.  The IETF procedures are designed to be
as open as possible based on rough consensus and running code.

The really hard part is not the procedure, it is to find any
readers / reviewers / implementors at all - "I like my own
draft" is not good enough if you want an RFC number for it.

See <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hoffman-tao4677bis> or
the older RFC 4677 for a nice intro.  


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