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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF on HELO

2009-01-07 06:23:34
spfdiscuss(_at_)caution(_dot_)icompute(_dot_)com wrote:
The sense I get in other forums is that SPF "can't be used" because it
"breaks forwarding".

One reason why "forwarding" may be considered broken is that that term doesn't actually have a definite technical meaning in SMTP. To wit, RFC 5321 added (w.r.t. RFC 2821) an apparently inconsistent phrase about forwarding. Section 3.9.2 (lists) begins with:

| A mailing list may be said to operate by "redistribution" rather
| than by "forwarding".

apparently implying that "forwarding" is a different operation than sending mailing list messages. However, the phrase added to the same paragraph says that:

| the key difference between handling aliases (Section 3.9.1) and
| forwarding (this subsection) is the change to the backward-pointing
| address in this case.

which implies that sending mailing list messages _is_ "forwarding". The standard literally says that forwarding with a changed return address is not forwarding. Should that be interpreted like the Baima Lun saying that a white horse is not a horse?

Are there any efforts/activities afoot that will "get the word out"?

Perhaps http://fixforwarding.org/.

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