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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF on HELO

2009-01-06 09:29:02
On Monday 05 January 2009 16:45, Don Lee wrote:
Where do we stand with SPF usage on HELO/EHLO?

The establishment of "capitol" out there in the net in the
form of the thousands of domains that publish SPF records
may or may not be used to check MAIL FROM: but can most
certainly be used to check HELO/EHLO.  Yet, I am still
getting static when I bring this up in other forums.
("SPF breaks forwarding... blah blah")

Using SPF on HELO/EHLO is a straightforward and effective way
to prevent forgery of MTA identity, and though not directly
effective in suppressing SPAM, it's a vital pre-requisite to
reputation scoring of MTAs.

Is there evidence of progress on this front?

To echo what Stuart said, for HELO/EHLO checks the default in my SPF policy 
server is to reject any mail that does is not Pass/None.  So far no one has 
complained about it.


This is a volunteer project and so we need people to jump in and help spread 
the word.

Scott K

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