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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF on HELO - take 2

2009-01-10 10:53:00
David MacQuigg wrote:
At 03:03 PM 1/9/2009 -0500, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

CSV does a slightly better job at HELO checking - but hasn't gotten the 
traction.   I've had CSV checking on
my TODO list for some time - any examples of real CSV records out there?

_client._smtp.open-mail.org. 1800 IN    SRV     1 2 1 mailout.open-mail.org.

I think I may be the only one left on the planet, however.

SPF actually has a better shot than CSV at "doing the job" of
> HELO checking.  CSV had to convince DNS services all over the
> world that they should implement these weird SRV records.
> The only thing holding SPF back is a slight re-interpretation,
> one that will not break any existing setups.

The problem with CSV (and DKIM for that matter) was its tie ins by their authors and friends to reputations services.

IMO, anything that requires "Batteries" isn't going to get too much across the board endorsement.

Don't worry. Once DKIM/ADSP is finished, I got $20 bucks riding we will be seeing Dave Crocker once again pushing CSV to, in his eyes, "Complete the picture."

Hector, Engineering & Technical Support
Santronics Software, Inc.
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