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[spf-discuss] Mail sent from web application goes into hotmail’s INBOX, and from Outlook it goes to SPAM

2009-10-19 12:49:29
First of all, I would like to thank those who have responded and note that I 
changed the title of the subject to reflect the latest situation.

Please note that I can send email from a web application running on 
compatibleweb.com, it is delivered to hotmail’s INBOX, but mail sent from 
Outlook Express using smtp and pop servers as mail.compatibleweb.com still goes 
into hotmail’s SPAM.

I did notice that the email header info does differ within the two emails below:

Message from web application (goes into hotmail’s INBOX):

Message from outlook express (goes into hotmail’s SPAM):

Does the problem seem to be cause by an incorrect SPF record for 
compatibleweb.com?  Or can the problem be caused by incorrect Outlook Express 
settings in its configuration?

Thank you 

P.S. Sandy, thank you for pointing out the syntax error which has now been 
corrected.  Alan, Outlook express is installed (for mail testing purposes) on 
the webserver compatibleweb.com (IP, meaning that I am sending 
the tests from that server.  Also note that the IP nor the domains are on any 
blacklist.  We simply do not spam and are against it.

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