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Re: [spf-discuss] mail users with multiple identities

2010-01-20 15:29:45
Gino Cerullo wrote:
First, thanks for giving us real domain names to work with.

On 20-Jan-10, at 2:43 PM, Barry Say wrote:

The problem I encountered was that the user had changed his ISP provider but is still using his old email address. So that an e-mail apparently from tiscali.co.uk is coming from a bt.com server. Truly an SPF failure and entirely beyond my control.

Interesting! If he changed ISP and is using his old email address how is he getting his email replies to that old address? Hmmmm!

On this side of the Atlantic ISPs seem not to delete old mail accounts. When a user changes their Broadband provider say from tiscali to BT the old ISP (tiscali) will leave the account active on a PAYG dial up basis. They seem to leave the account in the hope that you will get ragged off with the new provider and go back to them. Domestic users are expected to change their Broadband and phone providers regularly to ensure competition. This is why I decided to go with a domain hosting company and I merely use my ISP as a bridge, going directly to blackfoot with IMAP and SMTP. The customer support from ISPs over here is pretty low-grade.


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