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Re: [spf-discuss] openspf website

2010-09-08 13:54:46
At 14:46 08/09/2010  Wednesday, Terry Fielder wrote:
If y'll need help, or need another place to host a mirror site, let me know.


i have 3 Apache servers capable of running named vhosts {2 sites}

already rsyncing all sites between them when updated by ftp
{easily alterable so you rsync changes to one it'll propagate them to the 

and all running bind if needing slaves of the zone that respond to notify for 
fast updates

also have a testing setup of poor mans ha
{ie lookup www.example.com get directed by cname to testing.ha.my-domain 
ha.mydomain is delagated to the nameservers on http-hosts each http-host only 
responds with its own ip for A lookups against testing.ha.my-domain and with a 
short ttl}

real domains not given as it would muck up my testing stats, when ready to 
public beta my own www.alandoherty.net will be one of the first sites using it 
{as its low volume}

on each http-host the stop script also takes down the named, so within half an 
hour of a software or hardware failure all http traffic goes to the others 
only, at least till the named is back up}, in the case of a scheduled outage it 
will give the ip of its nearest partner for 30 mins before the outage and all 
delegation of the zone to that server will be removed from the parent and peer 
zones many hours before}

but as i say its still in test, but soon, but its a great option for say 
www.openspf.org if it could be mirrored only on servers also running a named 
they could create a sub-zone such as http-ha.openspf.org delegate that to all 
the mirrors also provide each mirror a personalised zone file {giving 
themselves as the A} for each peer that each peer could poll for changes and 
reload as necessary 

and thus when all working/tested/happy just cname www.openspf.org to 
and as the master server controls the delagation they can easily drop a 
non-responsive or rouge peer, or one that has asked to be temp-dropped for 

also as its a cname no users see or need to know about the sub-zone and 
www.openspf.org can easily be made back into an A if for some reason it all 

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