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RE: Finding list items in XHTML

2002-11-12 16:49:51
Chris: perhaps your templates don't match the <p> elements because of a
namespace? Does your input document have a default namespace? If so, you
should declare the namespace in your XSLT as well. Otherwise, your template
(below) should match, it seems to me.

<xsl:template match="p[starts-with(.,'&#10148; ')]">
<li><xsl:apply-templates /></li>

I had to do something very like this just yesterday, and it worked fine.

Note, though, that for your eBook to be valid, you'll also have to introduce
a parent <ul> element for these <li> elements. To do this, you need to
consider the GROUP of paras that start with &#10148; - there's information
about this in the FAQ.


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