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RE: XPath: excluding a descendant

2003-09-02 07:12:55
If that works then your document is quite unlike the document that you

Firstly you again have Gathering in a namespace and LongitudeDecimal not
in a namespace. secondly in your example LongitudeDecimal was a
descendent of Gathering not a sibling. If it is not a sibling then
 <xsl:apply-templates select="abcd:Gathering"/>
 <xsl:apply-templates select="LongitudeDecimal"/>
one of these two willa do nothing as they can not both be
children of the current node (unless the template it is in matches the
parent of both of these)

You are right, the namespace thing was a copying error, it is 
"abcd:LongitudeDecimal" really. As for the rest, the document structure is as 
posted previously (LongitudeDecimal is a descendant of Gathering), the template 
it is in currently matches the root "/" - could that be the reason why it 
works? The root node is not a (direct) parent to either, though.

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