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RE: saxon command line error "2>error.txt"

2004-05-20 08:13:44
From: Michael Kay [mailto:mhk(_at_)mhk(_dot_)me(_dot_)uk] 

It just struck me as odd that I found no option that was able to 
direct the errors to a file. I thought I must be doing 
something wrong 
or have misunderstood the options (where to place the syntax).

I'm surprised too. Every other OS that I know provides this option. 

Two minutes with the Vivisimo search engine came up with an answer -

See http://www.jpsoft.com/help/index.htm?redirection.htm

The followng is from the 4NT manual, but it looks the same as the
information for the standard WINNT command shell referenced above -

& filename     Redirect standard output and standard error to a file or
&> filename    Redirect standard error only to a file or device

If you want to append output to the end of an existing file, rather than
creating a new file, replace the first ">" in the last three commands
above with ">>" (i.e., use >>, >>&, and >>&>)."

BTW, 4NT is a much superior shell for Windows NT/2000/...  I highly
recommend it if you use the command line very much on Windows.


Tom P