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Re: [xsl] [ANN] Saxon-CE - XSLT 2.0 on the browser

2011-03-28 17:47:02
Le 28/03/2011 18:31, Dimitre Novatchev a écrit :
Having the same XSLT 2.0 processor in all five major browsers is a
page turning event.

While we are now closer to the day when sending an XML response to a
"page request" will be mass practice, I see one often cited problem
still not addressed:

How would search engines find data? It seems that they also would need
to perform the specific XSLT transformation on the XML (which they
don't do currently, AFAIK, and probably would refuse to do so due to
the additional costs involved and to the web-xmlization still not a
predominant trend -- seems like a wicked closed circle, doesn't it).
In this case, you have at least 2 choices (there are probably others):
1) let search engine use the content of the page and of <noscript>...</noscript> 2) detect the type of browser and redirect it to a static HTML page created by the server

The problem arises also for people who doesn't use javascript in their browser (links, elink, ... used for example by visually impaired people). In this case, the 2nd solution has the advantage that you can still use XSLT2 or XSLT3 to create the HTML page. It is still a big step ahead: the server can be a lot less powerful to process the few percent of non-javascript browsers, while most of the users will use their computer (PC, phone, ...) to render the page.

To me, the problem comes from the technologies used nowadays (and in the futur): how does this kind of transformation work with existing web frameworks and architectures? Would a Ruby on rails developer use XSLT2 in the browser (choose Python, PHP, Java if you prefer)? (hint: the Ruby community invented YAML because they were sick of XML)
Sure, for XSLT aficionados, this is a great news, but we are not alone :)

Olivier Jeulin

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