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Re: [xsl] Looking for a concise way of specifying an conditional attribute in output

2011-05-04 14:10:14
At 2011-05-04 13:03 -0500, John McGowan wrote:
I'm looking for a more concise way of doing this particular pattern
that shows up a lot in (x)html forms.

<option value="{@value}>
 <xsl:if test="@value eq something"><xsl:attribute name="selected"
select="'selected'" /></xsl:if>
 other stuff

I tried this out, thinking that it might work...

<option value="{@value}>
 <xsl:value-of select="isSelected(@value,something)">
 other stuff

with a reusable function like this

<xsl:function name="isSelected">
 <xsl:param name="v1"/>
 <xsl:param name="v2"/>
 <xsl:if test="$v1 eq $v2"><xsl:attribute name="selected"
select="'selected'" /></xsl:if>

But instead I ended up with the word selected showing up inside of the
option element, not as an attribute.

Because you are using <xsl:value-of/> you are getting the text.

I've been doing it the first way for years, and was just hoping I
could make it a little cleaner, but you must not be able to return
just an attribute from a function and have it make it's way into the
element containing the function call.

Use <xsl:copy-of/> and you should be fine. That copies the attribute node, not the attribute value, to the option element.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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