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Re: [xsl] [Ann] Oxygen XML Editor version 23 release

2020-11-23 13:44:04

AND, there are things tool vendors can to do make updating easier. For 
example, providing guidance on how to "fix" things that "break" in such an 

I've recently been trying to help a Saxon user who's managed to get about 10 
major releases behind, and it isn't pretty. Most of the things we do to ease 
upgrade, like keeping things deprecated for a release or two before they are 
withdrawn, don't work in that situation. Their worst problem though is that 
they don't have a decent set of regression tests so they just don't know 
whether their upgrade has been successful or not. That plus the fact that if 
you close your eyes for ten years and then open them up again, the world is a 
different place and you're completely disoriented.

I'm afraid the more people get out of the habit of paying real money for the 
software they use, the less the amount of investment that goes into such 
luxuries. Even when users are paying, $500 doesn't buy you much support.

It's sad how very little of the value that the user community has got from good 
XSLT processors has been fed back to the developers to produce better XSLT 

Michael Kay
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