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Re: noisiest posters

2003-02-16 11:46:14
| At 17:50 2003-02-15 -0600, David W. Tamkin wrote:
| > If 247 are too many, 356 are way too many.

[Sean responded by defending his posting volume.]

I meant, if the 247 posts that came from dattier(_at_)ripco(_dot_)com in 2002 
are too
many, the 356 posts I made in aggregate from the four addresses of mine that
Don spotted are way too many.  My post made no comment, much less any
judgment, about your total.

But here's one: your posts tend to be detailed and thorough, while mine are
shorter.  It's not that you're windy while I'm succinct!  It's that if the
answer is long, I just skip the question and hope somebody more energetic will
handle it, while you're up to the task.  So if you made more posts than I, you
posted far, far more text.

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