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Re: Spammish?

2003-02-16 13:20:48
This is what I'm doing for my sandbox.

formail -ds procmail ~/spamtest/test.rc < ~/mail/.spam

I also have about 30-50 mb of "backup" files saved and occasionally I pull
stuff from my older saved mail as well.  This gives me the ability to
check against known spam, known *not* spam, and a mixed bag.

Currently testing the use of formail to add flags to the messages.  (And
yes, I *AM* using the sandbox!) :)

                                - fleet -

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Professional Software Engineering wrote:

Save your spam.  Take your spam filters and run them in a sandbox pumping
the spam at them:

formail -s procmail -m sandbox.rc < saved.spam.mbx

Then review ther generated logs.

You can also throw legitimate email at the filters, to check for misfiled

By doing this, you can draft up a recipe and _immediatley_ see what it's
effect on email would be, rather than waiting until you get new mail in
that will trigger it.

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