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Re: [fetchmail] Re: bouncing on empty return-path

2003-01-10 12:36:41
Matthias Andree wrote:
There's no
point in saving temporary files of like 3 kByte, some file systems,
notably traditional ffs or logging ufs, are way too slow. mfs or tmpfs
or ramdisks would be ok though.

The traditional filesystems should be fast for small short-lived files
since the files will probably never even make it to disk.  That's why
Unix uses asynchronous filesystems -- it's so much faster than making
sure everything goes to disk immediately.

==============================|   "A microscope locked in on one point
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> |Never sees what kind of room that 
it's in"
 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"