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Re: [fetchmail] Okay... Fetchmail problems (Header Rewriting)

2003-01-17 12:43:14
From: "Richard Smith" <richard(_at_)gotworms(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk>

I would have thought that the real world example was obvious... it's
rewriting my email... I would not be emailing this list otherwise...

However as the saying goes the devil is in the detail. Without knowing what your setup is and *exactly* what is happening (ie by seeing the modified emails and the unmodified emails) we can't really help.

When you get a few minutes go read http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and you'll understand.

> Fetchmail-friends mailing list
Friends?! Pah... Dream on...

Don't bother your pretty little heads over this... I'll figure something out

Well, we can only help you if you give us information. Saying "it's changing headers" is a bit like saying "my car didn't stop". There's a whole number of reasons that this could be happening.

 Please DO NOT send me ANY email directly unless it's a privacy issue.
      Reply-to mangled to assist those who don't read the above.
Rob  |  What part of "no" was it you didn't understand?

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