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[fetchmail] Okay... Fetchmail problems (Header Rewriting)

2003-01-17 07:16:41

I'm trying to setup fetchmail and TMDA. (www.tmda.net)

The problem I'm having is that mail delivered using fetchmail gets it's
headers re-written in a way that makes TMDA resend a confirmation request.

My mail setup is thus:

Mail -> Remote ISP Mailbox -> Fetchmail -> MTA (Exim) -> Various filters
within Exim -> Maildir

Mail needs to go through the SMTP server since it's virus scanned and

I've tried using smtpname, smtpaddress, smtphost no rewrite directives etc
in my fetchmailrc but to no avail.

I've looked around on google too, but couldn't find anything. Hopefully
someone can help?

Richard - richard[at]gotworms.co.uk
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