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RE: [fetchmail]Single user, multiple IMAP accounts w/ IDLE

2004-03-07 15:20:06
-----Original Message-----
From: fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org 
[mailto:fetchmail-friends-admin(_at_)lists(_dot_)ccil(_dot_)org] On Behalf Of 
Adam Nielsen

I don't think there's any other way I can do it.  I want mail 
from each
account in a specific folder, and (especially for spam) the 
headers give
no indication which account it was received through.  So at 
the moment I
pass all incoming mail through a script, which adds an 
X-Account header
to the message, and then passes it through to procmail for sorting as
appropriate (which in turn runs dmail.)  It's a bit messy, but it does
work very well.

Trivial with Sendmail+Cyrus IMAP - deliver using + addressing and, assuming
you've set the permissions correctly the mail will be stored in the relevant

I use exactly this to allow easy identification of the account the mail was
downloaded with and it works a charm.

PLEASE - keep list traffic on the list.  Email sent directly to me may be
ignored utterly.

Rob | What part of "no" was it you didn't understand?