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Re: [fetchmail]Fetchmail + Amavis: send address problem

2004-05-04 02:37:00
thank you for your reply.

It's not clear what you mean in the above.

An SMTP envelope has two components:
 - the return path          MAIL FROM:<...>
 - the recipient(s)         RCPT TO:<...>

Which of these is wrong?

I am sorry, I really do not know why I spoke about Return-path:, I juste
meant Receipt-to !!
I understand that this behaviour is normal, but is there any trick that
can help Amavis to send messages with the original recipient address?I
hope that you understand my problem... Otherwise I can try and explain
again ;-)
Just for information, I put the part of the Amavis perl code that may be
relevant to modify so that the right email address is displayed in the
        # [still within printf syntax!]:
        join("\n\t", map(sanitize_str($_),@virusname)),
        (@RECIPS==1?"":"s") )  or die "warn_sender: printf failed: $!";

    foreach (@RECIPS) {
        printf MAIL ("-> %s\n", sanitize_str($_))
            or die "warn_sender: printf failed: $!";
    printf MAIL (<<"EOF",

but I do not know anything about perl...

thanks agin for your reply! :-P

Julien V.