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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail fork?

2004-05-25 09:00:22
Brian Candler wrote:
On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 09:25:44PM +0200, Matthias Andree wrote:
I'd also favour ESR's "complete rewrite" approach, and I have to add,
without poplib, imaplib, smtplib, if it must be Python. I don't care
much what language it will be in as long as it does SSL, TLS, SMTP,
IMAP, POP3, a WORKING injection into a command (fetchmail gets this
right only for the original sendmail.org sendmail), has some hooks to
allow users to peek at the headers and then tell the new fetchmail to
kill off the mail rather than download it.

This point doesn't seem to have been taken further by anyone; and
indeed, if all we're interested in is keeping our beloved and functional
fetchmail running with minimal work, maybe it's not relevant.

As I see it the first task is to fix what we have, and the second task is 
to work out pending development issues that people are eager to deal with.

I have two thoughts on a rewrite.  One is that a rewrite isn't necessarily 
fetchmail anymore.  This goes back to the fork naming issue; while it 
makes sense to somehow try to keep the fetchmail name when we're just 
fixing the code and continuing development, I'd argue that a totally new 
name is warranted if it's a rewrite, even it it uses some fetchmail code.

But if a rewrite is still fetchmail, it's at least fetchmail 7.0.

 When you run
'unison' it checks which files have been created/modified/deleted on
each machine, and propagates the changes from one to the other. The only
thing that needs manual resolution is when the same file has been
changed on both machines independently. I now keep all my mail folders
in Maildir format rather than mbox, and that enables it to do two-way
propagation of changes.

What I'd propose is something similar, but for mailboxes.

There are already programs that do this for IMAP, which is really the only 
mail protocol I know of that fully allows it.  (Look for isync, mailsync, 
and offlineimap.)

==============================| "A slice of life isn't the whole cake
 Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> | One tooth will never make a full 
 http://www.funknet.net/rfunk |    -- Chris Mars, "Stuck in Rewind"