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Re: [fetchmail]fetchmail fork?

2004-05-25 04:44:41
Rob Funk <rfunk(_at_)funknet(_dot_)net> writes:

Matthias Andree wrote:
Well, in May 2002, I filed a registration for my leafnode project at
Berlios, and never heard back. It's now on SourceForge.

Hmm, that's a bad sign.

I have consolidated Sunil's two patches into one that I call
fetchmail-6.2.5-ss1.patch, and my add-on patch (that goes only on top of
Sunil's applied patch) is fetchmail-6.2.5-ss1-ma3.patch. This is half a
year old by now... URL: http://home.pages.de/~mandree/fetchmail/

I lost track of which one is "ss1" -- is that the one you tagged with 
"splituid" in another message?  Should that and ss1-ma3 be part of the 
first round of fixes?

I'll explain:


Sunil sent 


to the list. These two have my approval and I vote for their inclusion.


On top of these two, ESR and I were sent, off-list,


which will only apply with the two fixes from #1 applied.

My -ss1 patch is just a convenience merge of -popfetchsizelimit,
-bugfixes and -splituid without further changes.

-splituid exhibits some other bugs though, and hence should not be
applied unless -ss1-ma3 is applied at the same time. See #3.


The -ss1-ma* patch series set off to address the new (or old) bugs that
-splituid triggered. My number is a version of the same patch, hence,
-ma3 is a revised -ma1 and -ma3 contains everything that had been in -ma1.

IMO, -ma1 should be removed from your patches/ directory to avoid
further questions :-)

I know that #1, #2 and -ma3 together are stable with my configuration,
and vote for review and inclusion of this stuff in the 2nd or 3rd round.

Matthias Andree

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