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Re: SIGH! Re: text --> IA5 ?

1991-04-11 05:53:08
Personally, I think we ARE converging on finality, but then I'm always
an optimist.

I'm nearly done with another pass through the draft RFC.  This draft, as
it turns out, is the first one that is "complete-looking" -- that is, if
everyone agreed, it would need virtually no further work before
publication.  That doesn't, of course, mean that everyone will agree,
but from where I sit it feels like enormous progress -- at least, for
the first time, I'm happy with it, and it helps to have a document that
the author is happy with.

And, to answer the burning question you're all surely asking right now: 
the draft document calls the default content-type -- ta-ta --
"822ASCII".  It strikes me as the label that best summarizes what we're
trying to capture, i.e. "ASCII as specified by RFC 822."  -- Nathaniel

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