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Re: quoted-printable

1992-02-13 18:49:38
If I had a vote, it would be to nuke RFC-CHAR.  The same vote applies
to quoted-printable.  It is time to push aside the Eurocentric hacks
and get fully behind a single UCS.

I tried to explain in earlier postings that quoted-printable has little or
nothing to do with character set issues, and indeed offers a viable approach
for transmitting 8 bit material without worrying about character sets at all.
The price you pay for this with quoted-printable is some loss of readability.
You lose all readability with base64.

If anything quoted-printable is a consession that mail systems are not going
to change overnight and that expending some effort to insure that existing
systems continue to operate well is worth it.

In any case, the notion of pushing aside Eurocentric hacks (your words)
has nothing to do with quoted-printable, as far as I can see, and as such
you have failed to justify your position on the removal of quoted-printable. If
you want to attempt to justify your feeling that quoted-printable should be
removed you must either explain the connection between the reason you have 
given or give some other reason.

It is also too late to entertain thoughts of such radical change, but I'm
always interested in technical input.


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