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Re: 10646, and all that

1993-03-06 05:05:58
  32 bit set of ISO 10646 is identical to 16 bit one.

well, not ===, it does contain the 16 bit version, but it also is twice as
large, and will be harder to get manufacturors and users to accept.

Yes, the current to-be-ISOized sets are identical. 32 bit set is identical
to 16 bit set.

Applications which use 16 bit characters are already perceived by users as 
slower, the comercial implications of this are not ignorable.  Also, a
quadrupleing (8->32) of the typical file size is much more noticible than a
simple doubling, which has similar, tho lesser ramifications.

They are implementation quality issues. With implementations of moderate
quality, you won't suffer either problems. See, for example, UTF.

sorry, I meant the above as a joke, and also as a mild complaint that the 
capacity of a 32 bit wide character set would be looking *very* far into the
future for further uses.

Why do you think you must use all the 32 bits, only because you need, say,
merely 17 bits?

If there are real need to encode, say, 10,000 characters, don't you think
it reasonable to do it with 32 bit code, not with 17 bit code?

  -Is it unreasonable to expect a user to recognize that the 
  software has miss-rendered some characters as Han, which 
  should have been Kanji?  
  It depends.

Please elaborate at enough length so that we can understand your position more
clearly.  The psychology of this point is important.

Above is my best estimate. Define your question more precisely, if you
need more specific answer.

Please remember that I am suggesting a solution based on imperfect 

That's OK, but,,,,

  Could you please, please, understand that that's exactly
  what I have proposed with "charset"?

I agree with you that there are technical problems with implementing 10646.  I
appologize for not having taken the time to read all the voluminous traffic 
the debate over the precise meaning of "charset" has provoked, and so I can
neither agree with you nor disagree with you, instead I will state what I
understand the term to mean.

That is untolerable.

You havn't read "the voluminous traffic" and, thus, regenerating "the
voluminous traffic" again.

Charset - an arbitrarily ordered numerical mapping of a collection of
conventionalized symbols usefull in written comunication.

Stop redefining it without any good reason.

Ietf-822 have already spent "the voluminous traffic" on its definition.
Don't do it again just becauase you haven't read it.

                                                        Masataka Ohta

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