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Re: Multipart/Mixed and Compound Documents

1993-03-20 10:36:05
Yeah, it figures that my comments would alarm and Andrew-phile.  I
wasn't intending to imply that such features should be broken for
Andrew-to-Andrew use -- which, under my interpretation, they won't --
only that they might look somewhat different when viewed with non-Andrew
software, which I see as inevitable.

When you use the MIME version of Andrew now, and you send mail of the
kind you describe, it looks fine when read with Andrew, right?  Well,
I'm not proposing any changes.  However, if you read it with Slate, you
might find some "paragraphs" broken up, because Slate's notion of
paragraphs doesn't (I believe) include the idea that you can have audio,
images, or suchlike in the middle of a paragraph.  Given that the basic
functionality doesn't exist, you can't expect the data to be viewed that
way, right?  All I'm saying is that the situation is quite liveable. 
Slate readers will get the information in a fully intelligible form,
just not 100% identical to the way an Andrew user would see it.  I
really don't see ANY way to avoid this kind of situation without
confining all mailers to a very restrictive lowest common
denominator.... -- Nathaniel