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Re: Don't change RFC822 for the worse!

1994-12-08 17:52:43
   On Dec 7, 11:07, hansen(_at_)pegasus(_dot_)att(_dot_)com wrote:
   > Subject: Re: Don't change RFC822 for the worse!
   > It appears to be ambiguous only because you're ignoring the statement
   > immedialy preceding what you quote here:

It looks like many people and author think like so.  But I
have one question.  Is it right?  Why the RFC822 says like
following in Appendix D if ASCII means only US-ASCII
(40-176, 32.-126.)?

     CTL         =  <any ASCII control           ; (  0- 37,  0.- 31.)
                     character and DEL>          ; (    177,     127.)
     CR          =  <ASCII CR, carriage return>  ; (     15,      13.)

Therefore I guess that the "USA Standard Code for
Information Interchange" defines means of all 7-bit data
like following, and the RFC822 defines all 7-bit data as
message body contents.

<NUL>                   \d000   NULL
<SOH>                   \d001   START OF HEADING
<A>                     \d065   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A
<B>                     \d066   LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B
<tilde>                 \d126   TILDE
<delete>                \d127   DELETE (DEL)

If the original handbook define only US-ASCII(40-176,
32.-126.), please say clearly so.  I'm sorry about my
request.  But I need a clear answer about book because I
cannot see it and I don't want to guess about reply message.

I don't want to say about character set, encoding and
etc. currently.  I want to make clearly definitions of the

With best regards.
--- Kazushi