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Re: The TEXT/HTML Content Type in e-mail

1995-11-07 10:03:44
Sorry, I had misunderstood your solution. I thought you had
to modify the Web browser to handle its internal caches the
way you want.

I am not sure about the advantages and disadvantages of 
communicating with a Web browser via munching of its internal

Another solution would be to set up a proxy HTTP server, and
have the Web browser get all its HTTP info via this server.

Both these solution seem to me quite advanced, Keith Moores
idea with files seems simpler.

Question: Is it a common property of all Web browser, that
if you ask them to show a local file, and that file contains
relative HTTP URL-s, the web browser will look for those
as files in the same directory as the file you asked the
Web browser to show? Because that property of Web browsers
is the whole basis of Keith Moore suggested solution.

Jacob Palme <jpalme(_at_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se> (Stockholm University and KTH)
for more info see URL: