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Re: The TEXT/HTML Content Type in e-mail

1995-11-06 13:49:25

My purpose was to point out a gap between existing email UAs and Web
UAs; one which needs to be addressed.  I named the bridge across that
gap a "receiving agent".  I see no more complexity here than exists in
the problem were trying to solve.

Some benefit exists in separating out the
issues and allocating their solutions to separate modules.  (Ye olde
divide and conquer approach ;-).  MUAs tranform MIME entities into files
and provide access to the headers.  Browsers display HTML, reading
local files and stuff off the net.  That's precisely the gap we're
discussion and the receiving agent addresses; how to get the body
parts into files that the browser can access.


On Sun, 05 Nov 1995 10:39:32 +0100 Jacob Palme wrote:
[Ed Levinson's model] sounds very complex to me,
Keith Moores idea of just saving the
parts as files, and then refer to the file names in the HTML document,
seems much much simpler.