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Re: The TEXT/HTML Content Type in e-mail

1995-11-27 12:10:02
This argues strongly for a "mid:xyzy(_at_)wawa(_dot_)com/" 
- using slashes to separate the components.

I don't see any positive value to using relative URLs of the form
("../") to refer to content-IDs when an absolute one
("") seems like it will do just as well in every
circumstance I can think of. In addition, there's a serious negative:
the same content-ID can occur in multiple contexts, and are actually
the same. If two different MIDs contain the same body with the same
CID, the CIDs are really the same, and
"mid:xyzy(_at_)wawa(_dot_)com/" creates an unnecessary

In fact, "mid:xyzy(_at_)wawa(_dot_)com/" is quite misleading in
the case where the message is message/external-body, since the content
isn't actually inside the given message at all.