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Re: The TEXT/HTML Content Type in e-mail

1995-11-25 10:48:27
Roy T. Fielding has pointed out that there is an RFC 1808,
fairly long along the standards track, which defines a MIME
heading "Base:". This heading is to contain a Base URL
for relative URL-s in the message.

I did not know of this, it influences the Text/HTML handling
in two ways:

(a) Relative URL-s can be allowed if there is such a "Base:"

(b) The syntax for including URI-s and URL-s in message headings
should of course be the same for the "Base:" as for the
"Content-Location:" header.

Note: Possibly, "Base:" ought to be renamed "Content-Base:"
acccording to the recent discussion on this.

Jacob Palme <jpalme(_at_)dsv(_dot_)su(_dot_)se> (Stockholm University and KTH)
for more info see URL: