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RE: overdefining text/plain?

1998-03-11 15:43:33
If you want to send RTF that is not meant for interpreted display (in
order to get the new-line cononicalization and charset definition), why
not use text/rtf with "Content-Disposition: attachment"?

                - dan

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Dorner 
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 1998 1:17 PM
To:   ietf-822(_at_)imc(_dot_)org
Subject:      Re: overdefining text/plain?

Ned, perhaps you could comment on whether you feel text/rtf and
text/vnd.in3d.3dml are (1) actual valid registered subtypes of "text"

Well, I'm not Ned, but I have an opinion.

Is it possible to write rtf that can be read by ordinary humans
harm?  Then text/rtf is ok.  It does NOT follow that all rtf should go
text/rtf; "hairy" rtf should probably go as application/rtf or
I doubt there's a chance in hell of that happening, though.

I believe one problem is that there is no clear way to get character
and newline canonicalization for types other than text/*.  So people
to try to put things under text in order to get these semantics.  I've
argued in the past for specific parameters for text-y things, and been
that was wrong.  Instead, people are supposed to note in their
registrations of non-text types if they want any text-y semantics.  I
this is not widely understood.  Whether my parameter would be
enough for people to specify that they wouldn't try to "cheat" by
text/* is debatable, of course.

Anyway, I think it was probably an error to register those types under
text.  Doesn't mean we should throw out the rule, just means we should
unregister the types (which I believe is procedurally difficult,

The actual semantics in
use, however, seems to be that any data which is represented in a
textual format, regardless of whether that representation was meant
humans or machines, is a subtype of "text".

There are also textual representations registered under other
types (eg, application/mac-binhex40).  So some people got it right.
it can be fixed.  Or maybe it's as useless as the number after

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