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Re: Dual names, IDN and ASCII, in e-mail addresses?

2003-09-27 14:57:36

What I did ask is if it is probable that people in the
future are going to want dual e-mail adresses, not only a
display version and an ACE version but two separate
addresses, like "Göran(_at_)Müller(_dot_)de" for national use and
"Goran(_at_)Muller(_dot_)de" for international use.

And if people are going to want this, would it help them if
the standards supported this, for example by allowing the
"From" and "Sender" headers to specify both the national
and the international name, so that the recipient could
choose which of these names to use, dependent on whether
the recipient can handle national names or not.

why does the recipient care which names are used in replies?
the message goes to the same place either way.
rfc 2047 already provides a way to have the name displayed correctly
in the message header.  

I can see how having non-ascii characters in an email address can
improve the mnenomic value for original messages, but what is the
value added for using them in replies?


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