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Re: Last Call: 'The APPLICATION/MBOX Media-Type' to Proposed Standard

2004-08-24 11:34:33

Keith Moore wrote:

I don't believe that the creation of a new content-type is likely to
result in a lot of new mbox readers or writers.

There is however a new issue, viz. that readers and writers are likely
to be on separate systems, with possibly different conventions.

And I do believe that
whatever new software is written to read or write mbox files will be
similar to existing software that reads and writes mbox files.  If most
existing software doesn't need knobs to deal with format variation, I
don't suppose that most new software will need it either.

The UW imap formats document mentioned earlier in this discussion
lists at least 5 distinct flat file formats, identified and parsed
separately, with variations ("knobs") in the two areas already
specifically suggested for parameters, namely separator line format
and line ending conventions.

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