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RE: [apps-discuss] Comments on Malformed Message BCP draft

2011-04-18 07:37:04

Murray S. Kucherawy <msk(_at_)cloudmark(_dot_)com> wrote:

I don't think this work is targeted at intermediaries.  In fact, I'd be
completely fine with expressly saying it's meant to address processing
at ingress MTAs only.

If you are going to make that kind of restriction, it should happen at
submission servers only.

There is a history of MX servers making "helpful" fix-ups to messgaes
(e.g. inserting missing message-id or from headers) before handing them
over to anti-spam software, which can make spam/legit checks invalid in
both the positive and negative senses. So I think MXs should be as
transparent as possible so that downstream security software is less
likely to have interop problems. Intermediate relays should also be as
transparent as possible.

f.anthony.n.finch  <dot(_at_)dotat(_dot_)at>
Rockall, Malin, Hebrides: South 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8 at first in
Rockall and Malin, veering west or northwest 4 or 5, then backing southwest 5
or 6 later. Rough or very rough. Occasional rain. Moderate or good,
occasionally poor.

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