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Re: Comments on Malformed Message BCP draft

2011-04-18 13:10:56

Keith Moore wrote:

Postel's Law was great in ARPAnet days, but I have long wondered how well it scales to a network with billions of users and thousands or tens of thousands of implementations.


The principle applies in many areas, but overall, it is most usefulness is when there existed greater uncertainty.

But I don't really have any problem in principle with correcting messages where "the sender's intentions are clear".


and I think intent is also related to trust or being non-anonymous.

Exceptions are a fact of life. If you are unknown, then you get on the back of line like everyone else. But if you are known ("on the special party list"), you get special treatment and can avoid standing on a line. Its always possible to learn that you are not a troublesome, a regular party dude to get a pass, but its all still about be recognized.

After 25+ years, the uncertainly principle for relaxation protocols should no longer be a quick out. There is simply no excuse today to continue tolerating violations of protocols or relaxing it for all. Exceptions to the rule of thumb has to be about trusted exceptions - not risky exceptions.
