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Re: [ietf-822] WSJ/gmail/ML, was a permission to...

2014-05-04 10:40:44
FWIW, I agree with Arnt on this one. In fact the case has yet to be made that
DKIM-based whitelisting of list mail is more than a nice-to-have; per-user
whitelisting on the basis of List-id alone along with the usual checks for
blatent viruses and whatnot seems to work pretty well.

Currently, I agree with you. But if List-ID always meant to skip the DMARC rejection checks, how long would it take for every phish to include a List-ID? Presumably competent filters would subsequently catch it, but it would make DMARC, which is intended to be a cheap anti-phish technique, totally pointless.

Per-user whitelisting on List-ID strikes me has having horrible scaling issues. How can we know who's subscribed to what? Or if we plan to know what List-ID's to believe, we're back at a shared mailing list whitelist.

John Levine, johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY
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