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Re: [Asrg] Textual Analysis is not the solution

2003-03-03 12:17:58
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Mark Delany wrote:

I'm assuming a consent-based system gives each email address
individual control over their "consent" settings.

OK; but such systems are available (and being used) now.  I know that
because I occasionally run into some e-mail robot demanding that I
prove I'm a real person.  If most people I tried to correspond with
did this, I'd stop sending them e-mail.  If you could come up with a
consent-based system that didn't have some kind of challenge-response
interaction, then you'd have something good.

If you are saying that this "feature" of email is universal and
everyone will want it and must have it, then that's another question
entirely. To my mind that's a consent-threshold question. Spam tells
us that the current (and only) threshold is too low.

I think you'll find that most businesses that have a "sales@" or "info@"
address on their Web site require the ability to receive e-mail from anyone.

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