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Re: [Asrg] solution space (was Re: Textual Analysis is not the solution)

2003-03-03 12:33:31
PGP Signatures and in general messages signed by from accepted lists
- this probably belongs to originator
identification/authentication/tracing but should be mentioned

yup, PGP is an example of that class.

Filtering by target email address - i.e. some add ietf+email or
whois+email, etc. and use that to futher differentiate how filter may
do the work but actual recepient account maybe the same. 
- not sure what category this belongs to in your list, might have to
be on its own

indeed, I do this myself - list traffic is filtered differently
than traffic to my mailbox. 

Other proposed mechanisms are to require heavy computation of ciphers
to make sender's job a lot more difficult and limit how many emails
they would be able to do 
- this definetly should go into its own category


schemes that charge for sending email (esp. from unknown parties) have
also been proposed- I suppose there is a general class of imposing

Some other mechanisms include sending verification email to be sent
that contains picture with text that only person can read.
- this probably belongs to blacklist/whilelist category

I think that's another example of imposing a barrier.  
"here, jump through this hoop and then I'll read your mail"
the idea is to make the barrier small for those who send only a few
messages, much larger for those who send large numbers of messages.
and perhaps also to compensate the recipient :)

And we should definetly pay more attention on combination of the

yeah, I'm fairly convinced that no single technique will suffice.

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